Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Pink Fluffy Goodness

Spent the day transporting mom to/from day surgery and working from home. After working from home at 4 AM last week, I really have logging in from a distance all down to memory. Managed to nab these close to the hospital parking lot. What joy I have from shooting spring offerings ... if I could do it all day long, do you think I would get tired of it? It often feels like a religious awakening ... definitely a spiritual experience to relish.

pink and fluffy

pink and fluffy

pink and fluffy

very close to perfection


  1. Beautiful, exquisite work! I'm truly inspired...


  2. Anonymous2:59 AM

    We have a whole alley of these trees, but your pictures catch their lovelieness best.

  3. i'm sighing over here...

    tell miss diane she's in my thoughts...

  4. thank you one and all!
    I will Michelle, thank you
    I told Trey to bundle some of these up and take them home to you ;)


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