Monday, April 28, 2008

Opening Day

The clematis opened all at once. Stunning.

opening day

opening day!

And they came to watch.

just the two of us


  1. I love your photos, Kim. My clematis managed 3 big white blossoms on a very sad little vine. Even so, they are treasures. I continue to enjoy your inspiring links; etc.

  2. The photos are beautiful. They give me hope that maybe the snow is really gone. Could it be... spring in the greater Seattle area.

  3. technically superb, emotionally thrilling!

  4. thank you dorian, mrs. mom, tara! This particular clematis is a big grower .... this is one that takes over the side of the house!

  5. Oh my gosh, Kim - these are some of my favorite pictures ever.. they are just gorgeous!!!

    I will most definitely nominate you - most likely tonight. Faith is making it difficult for me to concentrate on ANYTHING right now!!!

    photography? If you see a category on there that you like, let me know!!


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