Saturday, February 09, 2008

Bloggers That Make My Day

Made and Making My Day! I am embarassed I haven't acknowlegdged this wonderful award from that has been passed no to me from some wonderful bloggers. I keep waiting until I have time to write something meaningful ... and then my time goes ... somewhere, not sure where? Anyway, my day is a little brighter thinking that people so kind and wonderful themselves, think that I make their day ;) Thank you!

Wendee at indigoalison, Fiona at Love Fibre and Dee (who always brightens my day! with the most touching and humorous responses to whatever is going on in my chaotic life at the moment) at Thea Quilts ... go see who else brightens their days!

So bloggers that make my day. There are so many ... but I will keep to my top five.
Kathy's blog is a delight but it is really when we talk on the phone that she makes my day! Filled with love, compassion and advice for me.

My best pal Rita, way down there in Texas, makes my day on her blog and on the phone all the time.

And a local girls who makes my day, Liz and Paula, both are insightful and so calming, like drinking Camomile tea and repeating a little chant in your head! And on the this same coast is Kate ... a delight and inspiration to read.

I apologize for always being so late to respond ... I am really not meaning to be rude!

1 comment:

  1. thanks for these links & the lovely mention-Rita's a scream. Anyone who can make me laugh at 5 a.m. is downright gifted with genius.


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