Saturday, December 02, 2006

My Favorite Tunes

I remember the precise moment I heard any piece of music I fell desperately in love with. A song that would make me weep and smile with joy at the same time. When I was looking for Christmas favorites last night, I stumbled across many of these old friends in my playlist. Also, I have discovered (I am probably the last person that didn't know about it). I think you must join to listen to these links, it is so worth it.

This being one of my all time favorites -- Yo-Yo Ma Plays Ennio Morricone’s The Mission: Gabriel's Oboe. You can get a snippet of it on the link. My son thinks I am crazy, my husband understands, the sadness hovers in the air until I don't think I can take anymore.

Another was a piece I heard in the movie "Someone to Watch Over Me". The minute I heard Delibes' "Flower Duet" (lyrics in link) I was smitten. I use to torture my friends by making them stay in my car and listen to the entire Lakmé Opera on the cassette player. I have now since seen a Lakmé performance in person. D took me, knowing how I love it so. I must share my extraordinary response I had to seeing an opera that I had only listen to via cd or cassette tape. The curtains went up, and I heard the first note of music I knew by heart, my throat tightened and my eyes welled up with tears ... of pure and extreme joy. I cried the entire performance, the good kind.

"Fifth Element", The Diva! That song entered my brain and never left. When I need inspiration, I put that song on full throttle. I went on a search for the singer, the song ... Inva Mulla Tchako was the voice behind The Diva. (I know, I have blogged about his several times) The song was The aria is "Il Dolce Suono" Donizetti's "Lucia di Lammermoor". Marc's 5th Element site has all the low-down on the music and players. Rita sang us this song one night under a full moon!

Bach - Pachebel - Canon for Three Violins & Cello

Prelude Cello

Pride and Prejudice - Dawn

Bach - Air

And I almost forgot my all time fave. Vivaldi, in any form, any season (have never decided which IS my favorite season ... maybe winter!

Or Autumn

Or spring!


  1. Anonymous4:59 PM

    I love Opera too, your choices are wonderful!

  2. Greetings Kim!

    I tripped onto your site... I enjoy your images. Love the Life size Cowboy & Indian display!!

    I will trip again soon!

    Libra Moon

  3. Anonymous5:57 AM

    The music from "The Mission" sounds SO beautiful! I've never heard it before or saw the movie.
    I also really love that flower duet from Lakmé. :-)

    Thanks for your visit and comment on my photoblog.

  4. Anonymous8:29 AM

    I also have some of the same favorites, and will weep, especially when listening through my walkman, where the violins are so intense. My favorite is Puccini's 'O Mio Babbino Caro', (especially played by Trio con Brio) and Laura Nyro's 'O Sweet Blindness'. There's something about Nyro that touches my heart in a place way back to my college days so long ago, she makes me cry.

  5. Anonymous11:32 AM

    This is such a great post!! I just am daffy about music and love recommendations and hearing other's perspectives and favs... I'm listening right now to Ella Fitzgerald sing "Baby it's cold outside".. one of my fav Christmas time songs :)

  6. Hello Ulla, Libra Moon, Lisa! Colleen, thank you all.
    here is link to Puccini's 'O Mio Babbino Caro, I do love this! Here are a couple of clips

  7. Thanks for the blog visit... I agree with all of your music choices - esp. the Flower Duet - and YoYo Ma could make me cry playing Happy Birthday!!

  8. Anonymous3:03 AM

    Hi Kim

    Thanks for your comment on our site. You made a very nice fall photo for photofriday. And I enjoyed those musiclinks too. I never seen such musiclinks in a blog before, and I wonder how you did that? Maybe I´m not so up to date.

  9. Anonymous6:51 AM

    In a similar vein, I came across the soundtrack for the musical 'Wicked'. I read a doll collector's blog and we were discussing it because Robert Tonner makes a green faced Wicked Witch doll (a beautiful one).

    I had to get the soundtrack from the Library, had to buy it, and was literally consumed with it for at least 2 months. I couldn't go one day without listening to it.

    After having the lyrical story emblazoned in my brain, my view of the Wicked Witch it forever changed. I will never look at her again without sighing with sadness.


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