Saturday, December 02, 2006

5 Favorite Christmas Songs

I've been tagged by East of Oregon for a 5 Christmas Songs Meme. I went home last night and spent a delightful hour searching i-Tunes for my favorite save songs. I can't listen to these first three without lump in the throat and a tear. Margaret Whiting sang the best "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas", I never tire of listening to her.

1) "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas"Margaret Whiting

2) White Christmas – Bing Crosby

3) "Winter Weather" - Peggy Lee With Benny Goodman & His Orchestra, scroll down and have a listen

4) "Winterlude Duet" - Al Dimeola (go have a listen, this is a great cd)

5) "Send Me a Wife For Christmas" – Dr. Elmo. (This entire cd is a hoot to listen to, but Send me a wife is definitely my favorite)

{later addition}

Jesu Joy of Mans Desiring by Bach , for Kate from Through my lens, lightly

For Just Jill in Dallas, I could not find Hard Candy but found Winter Wonderland - Sleigh Ride (Kenny Rogers & Dolly Parton) ... sorry this mini player is not loading the song ;(

And speaking of music, NPR had an interview with Frank Loesser's daughter. Make sure to listen to “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” sung by Frank and Lynn Loesser.

I am tagging Rita (will be interesting list), Tara (who never does a meme) and Momma Pajama who all ready has her tree up.


  1. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Love it!! I'm going to check out those sound clips :)

  2. Anonymous11:17 PM

    beautiful lovely to listen to those clips. Those would be my favorites' too but I would just add one more...Jesu Joy of Mans Desiring, by Bach. Thanks for sharing this (and no, I didn't know about it either!)but I'm going to check it out.

  3. Sound clips right in your blog, that is so awesome... I love some of your choices, Vivaldi has always been a favorite of mine as well. (We played his version of Peanuts-Lucy & Linus at our wedding)

    For Christmas tunes, I would have to add to my list, "A Hard Candy Christmas" from Dolly Parton. If I don't hear that song at least a dozen times over the holidays it just isn't Christmas for me. Sad, but true.
