Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Self-Portrait Challenge 08.22

Enclosed in a stamp space for Self-Portrait Challenge's.

Self-Portrait Challenge 08.22

Now that the weather will be changing I will be enclosed in my seasonal disorder medications, to keep me sane ;)

Self-Portrait Challenge


  1. I alway look forward to your SPC's and I'm never disappointed. Terrific job!

  2. Anonymous3:19 PM

    oh i love it, kim! i wanted to do a self enclosed envelope kind of image this week but didn't know how to. you amaze me with your creativity.

  3. Oh, I love both of them! I feel this way about my allergy meds - hate to take them but need them so... Also, wanted to say I loved your pics of M! Z. would disown me! Does he know you posted them??

  4. How many times and ways can I say how friggin' creative you are?!!! These are wonderful!

  5. I love the KimPostageStamps!!

  6. Two for the price of one. Great shots as always. I loved the stamps.

  7. Anonymous9:57 PM

    great job kim!

  8. How DO you think up all this stuff? You're an inspiration! Thanks for all this good stuff.

  9. Provacative and revealing.

    Great work as always.

    I've gotta learn photoshop! Maybe I can find a cheap version for my PC?

  10. Thank you Tammy!
    Athena .. I will do a quick tuturial in flickr ;)
    Thank you Georgia
    Paula ... Matt never minds, because my blog comes up as my home page and I know he reads the entries .. I know his friends told me they wanted me to post pictures from wild waves, but I only did a couple....
    Bedazzled1 .. thank you so much ... this week was a stretch, Me rushing around the house looking for a small enclosed "something"
    Deb R ... Maybe I should have some made ;) that would scare my husband to see me using them on our bills
    Thank you Melba, bz, Moki, Athreya!
    Hey Curt, I love your avatar! when are you coming to the dark side, I keep asking about that?
    Thank you Tara....I will teach you photoshop!

  11. every week you shine!

  12. Yay, Kim strikes again!!

  13. Damn, Kim, I thought I knew Photoshop until I saw the genius things you have done with it!

    Have a marvelous end of summer!

  14. You are a real pro with that photoshop! I bet you have a great time with this... the stamps are so cool

  15. Incredibly creative! I wish I had your photoshop skills.


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