Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Self-Portrait Challenge 08.15

I found myself trapped in the car waiting, searching for "enclosed spaces". See other Self-Portrait Challenge's here.

Self-Portrait Challenge 08.15

"Because I'm worth it" Great minds think alike and like the same hair color, Deb did this idea for Pop Art.

Because I'm worth it


  1. Oooohhh! BRILLIANT! I love all of them but the loreal box is my favorite.

  2. Love the sunglasses one - well all of them really!

    (Did you see the L'oreal box SP I did for pop art? GMTA!!)

  3. It is nothing short of a real treat to visit here and see what stellar ideas you have come up with for our SP challenges. And this week's is no exception to it!

    Excellent. ::smile::

  4. The preference box is the funniest damned thing. i LOVE it!

  5. Those are all great, the Loreal box is so funny!

  6. Thanks guys, Ha, Deb .. I do remember that now that I went in search!

  7. I love the L'oreal box, hilarious and you are a master at PS.

  8. that loreal box idea & execution is so great! you would be a perfect model for it!


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