Monday, August 14, 2006

Good Wine And A Seed Pod

After working like dogs in the yard all day, we congregrated in my neighbors front garden enclosed and surrounded by blooming jasmine, rugosa roses, rosemary, heavenly bamboo ... to visit and drink. Fortunately, they have become wine connoisseurs, collecting expensive wines and are always having little "wine tastings". So after three bottles of great libation, my favorite being very mild and very peppery (Sangiovese from Pontin del Rosa in Prosser) ... Laura and I started collecting these sweet little seedpods a Golden Rain tree, that has yellow flowers and these chinese lanterns-looking seedpods. And to top off a great day, there was a PBS mystery last night. A day can't get any better than that!

Hidden gift


  1. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Great detail and color.

  2. Hi Kim, I'm dropping by to say thanks for visiting my blog a couple days ago. I appreciated your comment and you're welcome back any time.

  3. The photo has a certain Georgia O'Keefe quality about it. Very interesting....

  4. MMM. .. Sangiovese. . .Yum! This picture is INSANE. I love the composition and the colors. The white texture underneath as well. .sigh. ..beautiful!


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