Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Senses Sensing Summer

I always wanted to write the 5 Senses that dearest Liz does so well. I think of it every day and tonight all my senses were intensified. The first day of summer. The sun just setting near 945, darkness falling quickly at 10p. Streets alive with kids roaming around with a new sense of freedom. It is comforting to know some trends never change. When I was in high school we would hang out at Dairy Queen on hot summer nights. Sitting on the hoods of cars, laughing, joking, being together. I noticed a group of kids hangin' in the QFC parking lot, doing much of the same and giggled to myself. Remembering what it was like not to have any heavy burdens weighing on me. The freedom of youth.

Kids, laughing, together, being kids.

A small dog barking in a back yard as I headed home.

The air full of a combination of perfume, the sweet, resin frangrance of cedar trees and roses at my friends house.

A little touch of vodka infused with lemon liquer.

Touching an old piece of a Yew, having been honed into a mantel with the rough outer dark maroon bark visible, ready to be hung in my friend's house.


  1. a little glimpse into summer. yes. summer can take over our senses in the most delightful of ways.
    (i haven't done one of these posts for a few weeks...hmmm...just took some pictures over the weekend to do a senses post with pictures, but i should do one with words soon. i am always thinking about it too, even if i don't always post it.)

  2. You sure brought back a lot of memories with this. I like the cedar trees photos, and you captured that lazy, summer evening kind of feeling. Would love to see that mantel.

  3. This is a perfect thing to write a 5 senses post about-summer-with the warmth and all the smells that seem to open up.

  4. En realidad no he leido tu blog pero me gustan los comentarios que te pusieron, se que quizas no entiendas español pero a veces no hace falta entenderse para conocerse, besos gordos señito =)

  5. stalmat:
    ¡No hay una barrera linguística cuando viene a las fotografías maravillosas! ¡Estoy alegre usted visité!

    I am still having this intense summer sensation today, isnt it grand!!!


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