Thursday, June 22, 2006

Illustration Friday - Dancing

Illustration Friday gets me thinking about dancing! The two-step, Waltz, Cotton Eyed Joe (one of my favorites!)....I love country and western dancing and did quite a lot of it when I was younger. Other old favorites, Waltz across Texas, A Very Special Love Song by Charlie Rich, any song by Bob Wills. It has just been so long, I can not think of my other favorites! Do you have favorite country and western dance songs? I will think about it and add more later ;)


  1. I love your vector is always so clean looking, and full of so much personality. This one is great...a slice of life kind of characterization. I love the way their arms are wrapped around each other.

  2. bob wills, yeah oh yeah! makes me want to shake my but to a little sun bonnet sue!

  3. The movement you have captured is terrific-love the colors too.

  4. Oh wow, the Cotton Eyed Joe..I haven't done that in years! I love that dance!

  5. lol! take a peek, different style of dancing but similarly entangled!!

  6. very nice illustration .. awesome .. he even has a cowboy hat :)


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