Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Feeling Content

I feel very content today. In a way you feel after a good cry. I had one or two from watching sad, love-gone-wrong, love-gone-right-movies. My favorite was Tristan & Isolde, I watched it twice. A Tristan & Isolde site that has some wonderful poetry. Walk the Line was great. New World had Colin grunting alot. I did what I tell my son not to do last night, got lost in the iTune Music store! Purchased the electronic wonder of Milosh, You Make Me Feel album that I posted earlier this week. Found my Vivaldi album I had misplaced on the computer and replaced it in iTunes.

I have been making something very fun lately, with the drill press and the belt sander and I can't wait to show and tell.

In crimson light the ocean shone
Beneath the heavens sublime;
Far-spent, the day was passing on
To the great deep of time;
And half-way hid behind the west,
The dying sun immense and bright
Touched with red fire the foamy crest
Of endless waves, and bathed in light
A ship with ivory sails unfurled
That danced adown the waste sea-world,
Alone of all things there,-
Sir Tristram's vessel voyaging
South to the Cornish coast to bring
For Mark, his uncle and his king,
A bride, Iseult the fair.


  1. Oooooh, drill presses and belt sanders! Can't wait :).

  2. Anonymous9:11 AM

    "Walk the Line" was a good cry movie. Love it, too.

  3. I liked Tristan and Isolde very much. Though I think Walk the Line spoke more to my heart, plus I love it when it works out against all odds. Oh Love!

  4. First off I am way excited to see what you come up with! (can you, like, tell, I live in SoCAL? it's like, way!...duh, sorry, early)

    Second, I keep waking up to missed IMs! What's that about? Wah! Seriously I am so bummed I miss talking with you. I think the computer thinks I am on, but where am I???? argh! grouse. grizzle.

    Don't give up on me, I would LOVE chatting with you!

  5. Anonymous5:03 PM

    I would like to say that this is my first visit to your blog and I enjoyed reading it; you are an excellent writer! I think you are beautiful now and were beautiful then; but I liked how you wrote of what a variety of different things make you the beautiful and happy person you are now: I think life does that to us so that we care less about the frivolous and more about the important, and it's a beauty of its own; one that I think alot of us moms and wives can see in ourselves and recongnize in our friends that we love.

    I loved your pictures and thanks for the movie recommendations; I had seen WALK THE LINE and loved it (and own it) and now I am off to NETFLIX to order up NEW WORLD. I want to hear the man grunt, too...! : O )

  6. Boy, now I have a LIST of movies to get! Lately I have seen the new X-men movie and Cinderella Man, but I live in a household of men!! I loved Pride & Prejudice (when hubby was out of town) and watched my favorite scenes again and again... Is the Tristan and Isolde painting by Leighton? I have "Godspeed" in my room.

  7. I will have to check those movies out. I love the poem.


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