Friday, April 07, 2006

Fave ArtFest Trade

There were so many fun and imaginative trades from so many talented women. I have to confess this one became my favorite. I put it on for classes in case I needed extra beads. It is recycled and full of fun! But sadly I did not get the name of the person who made it. If it is you, speak up!

favorite trade


  1. The lady who made that is from Alaska and she owns a bead shop.

  2. Anonymous2:30 PM

    I was at artfest! I was the girl with the pink hair!

  3. Okay, that was weird, I all of a sudden became my mom! I was posting her new recipes on her blog and forgot I was signed in as was an out of mind experience when I hit publish comment and her icon came up. So whatever the cook says, that goes ditto for me ;)

  4. No prob-my friend Nadine posted the Alaska Lady-Brenda's info on the Artfest group for you in case you haven't seen it. :)


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