Friday, April 07, 2006

The Crazy Artist In Me

I did not want to loose the momentum of my learning experience at ArtFest so I have been making a really big mess and just a little art. I made a run to all my local thrift stores the and found some fantastic stuff. Threw 20 plastic bags of "stuff" in the garage and ran back to my studio table.

I find it challenging to be a 'thinking-doing' artist. I do art all day at work on the computer as quickly as I can think of it. I have been sitting at my table, trying to do something 'by hand' and it is tough. Wish me luck, I have a few more days of vacation left to get the many lessons I learned to imprint in my brain while I am making my pieces. I thought if I made several more, the knowledge might lodge there somewhere. D is helping me brainstorm about my superman piece. I found this wonderful carved box I am using in another. I added the copper wire curtain to the piece I made in class. And finally another butterfly one. Mostly done now.


  1. Looks like you're having a good time! I love the carved box assemblage even as it is in the picture.

  2. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Love these, especially the "butterfly." Ruth

  3. Wow, Kim, I'm impressed! You are really moving along on these.

    You are a wonderful assemblage artist, Keep it up.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. these are so fantastic my friend. i especially love the one with wings. (yes, yes, yes, i have this thing for wings right now...i want to have my own set most of all)

    i love this energy that i am feeling from your blog. now i just want to start creating too!!!!

  6. They all look great! You really make me inspired, want to go to the thrift shop straight away...

  7. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Wow...Look at you go! You're so creative, m'dear! Love the assemblages and it looks like you're really getting into it. You go!

  8. Well, I have just started a couple and picked up some great frame scrap yesterday. But then took a hot bath and totally vegged out last night. Today the tulips, need to get back to the garage! Three more days off to get something done. ;)

  9. oh! it looks like you are having a great time! I really like the one with wings. Did you leave anything at the thrift stores? LOL I'm so glad art fest was good inspiration for you - your pictures from last week were wonderful wonderful wonderful :)

  10. Thank you Pam, I have been having fun! Left a few things, but you better hustle over there before I go again on Monday ;)


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