Sunday, March 26, 2006

Studio Friday - Secret Stash

Studio Friday is Secret Stash. Really I feel like my entire studio is a "stash" because I open a drawer and say "Gosh, I forgot I had that!" Drawers from IKEA, full of fun! Little round labels to tell me what is in there.

Studio Friday - Stash

I have a secret stash of promotional mailings from other artist. This "watermelon" box was given to me by
Sherry and I have it full wonderful promotional packages sent to my husband by artist. Very cool, inventive stuff! Also anything I receive in the mail that I think is too cool to throw away and very special papers. I also have a little handmade box that I gave to D, full of the same stuff. I open them like little gifts! Ooohh and Aaaahh over what others have done.

Studio Friday - Stash


  1. Holy Moly those drawers are to die for! Wow all that stylish storage - I am jealously in awe! And that pale wood with the black and white floor. What a gorgeous glimpse of your studio!

  2. Too cool! I want your studio and I haven't even seen it all. Those drawers are the coolest thing I think I've ever seen. hehe :)

    Great SF entry!

  3. Ahem, that watermelon box was made by Sherry and "Daisy." Don't forget Daisy...

  4. Your studio is amazing, especially the tiled floor!


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