Monday, March 27, 2006

Beautiful Sunday 3.26

I have been in the studio all day. I saw many items that could be subject of Beautiful Sunday. An old, worn, wooden box with used rubber stamps I found at an antique store was my choice today. I often think of the people that used it before me.

Beautiful Sunday - Stamps


  1. Lovely rubber stamps, I saw them and though "I must go to Rait Antiques Village soon" and then I read your comment over at mine about living in Dundee and Rait!

    I went to Art College in Dundee for 4 years and I used to LOVE going to Rait to hunt out treasures.

    I'm not sure if they had converted the barns when you lived there but that's what it's like now, about 4 buildings full of treasures!

  2. Those are lovely. Makes me wish I had some of my own (or that I had taken the photo). They would come in handy on occasion for page design at the P-I.

    How do you find time to write and post all this stuff? :-) Miss you!

  3. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Beautiful, beautiful photo. You are so talented.

  4. Thank you everyone, as I told Andrea, it is really the object and me taking some many photos that at least three will turn out okay.
    Juliette: That is such a lovely thought, one that I have had.
    Cally - That is so outrageous. It has been so many years ago I don't remember antique stores. I know my dog would run around to the other houses out in the country and rip open those little triangular milk cartons and we were not very well-liked at first because of it. We lived there during those electrical brown-outs and it would be so dark and creaky there. You could just feel spirits floating through the house!


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