Wednesday, January 11, 2006

While Searching

Searching for my sketches for the hanger sculpture ideas, of course I can't find them. Here are a couple of pages from my totally jumbled, messy books I carry around. Full of ideas, words, notes to self (that I never see again), phone numbers and some illustration ideas for work or fun. These little guys I do all the time, but hardly ever use them my illustrations at work. The bottom were my doodles for IF Roots, I ended up using the dandelion idea.


  1. This is exactly why I envy artists. I have the same thoughts running through my mind but could never articulate them through drawing like you do (or my sisters do). While I enjoy the things I can do well, there is always the envy that wells up when i see such expression. What a wonderful gift. However, the most important part of it is the recognition you have of it and running with it to make your life what it is. It truly is a gift.

  2. Anonymous12:04 PM

    I agree with everything chronicler said... sigh......

  3. You have me looking at my wooden hangers. No real art but I could collage them! That's my speed.

  4. One more thing....Your lovely sketches on the bottom half of the photo would sure look good as wire sculptures.


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