Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Getting Hung Up

I saved this idea of decorating a hanger from sundance a long time ago. Perfectly simple, elegant, a painted doilie folded over the wire hook of the hanger. I love it. I have a collection old hangers, wood stained and dark with age, company names burned into them, a personal name carved on it. I have kept them for so many years, envisioning an installment of sheer paper, or organza dresses (with poems) hanging on them. Of course, yes, I have seen that done now. But that does not stop me from wanting to make my own.


Wouldn’t it be fun to have all your hangers personalized with your name (or piece of art), monogrammed, put on a happy face, make a padded hanger or Martha’s instruction.

Bali Bamboo, Shaker hangers, Thai Style Fabric Hanger and Teak Textile Hanger, Tonko Van Dijk of Dutch by design unique take on hangers, 'Boomerang Effect' hangers, way out coathangers via moco loco.


Hangers for the sports nuts, cat lovers and kids.

Re-use wire and the origin from designboom. The unique collection at Patented Antiques.


2003 Untitled sculpture Dan Steinhilber, folk art hangers for the 40's. Cookin' with hangers.

Adding this later to keep my hangers all in a row.


  1. Anonymous10:19 PM

    Hanger heaven! I remember going into a shop and deciding that I had to purchase something there because the shopkeeper had glued those little ribbon roses to ALL of the plastic hangers the clothes hung on. I was enchanted for some reason. Imagine my delight when she included the hanger with the garment I purchased. I was beside myself and always thought I should do that to my own hangers but never did. I love the kids hangers. But my ultimate is to make one of those jewelry type hangers to store my valuables. So glad you brought up the subject. I'll have to look into this again.

  2. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Love alll of these, but have to say if I had one, two or a collection, they would never see clothes on their shoulders or even the inside of a closet... LOL


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