Monday, June 13, 2005

Hydrangeas are blooming

Peonies are gone, but hydrangeas are coming.


Viola Odorata
(Sweet Violet) seed pods are bursting open.

Violet seed pod

Roses are blooming



  1. Anonymous7:22 PM

    We just got home from a visit to Door County, Wisconsin, and the peonies were putting on quite a show! Being from Texas, I had never seen them in person before, nor had I ever seen or smelled lilacs, which were also amazing! You are so lucky to live in an area where you can grow such wonderful things!

  2. I love the photo of the hydrangea's! They are beautiful.

    I just randomly found your blog by clicking the NEXT BLOG button at the top of the screen.

    Sounds like your husband is very talented in the photo world.

  3. Well, thank you Tammy for stopping by!

    And Jenny: Being from Texas myself, I never knew what a peony was until I moved here and accidentally found a root in the yard under under a bush. Moved and planted it and it bloomed! I did not know what many things were in a garden, except honeysuckle, mesquite trees and cactus. It has been a thrill to discover gardening, learn about all the wonderul plants that readily grow here. It is easy when you live in a moderate rainy climate.

  4. Hydrangea's. Siiighhhh... Just a whole lot of lovliness if you ask me!


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