Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Valentine's Day Effort

This little snow storm blew through on Valentine's Day morning and lasted about an hour, turned to rain and sunshine in the afternoon. I thought only in Texas you had to wait an hour if you did not like the weather.

Instead of my before mention hair coloring afternoon, I decided to make cookies and biscotti. I am not sure the cookie result was worth the hours I invested! While my son helped me with the cookies, he also ate most of the broken ones, hence, wasn't hungry for the feast my mom prepared. Biscotti was easy, and results were great. But I had wanted to make these, and I had those cute metal pails I found at Target for $1 each and had plans to use them.

And it was time to change the wall offering in the studio.


  1. you are so creative & delightful:)

  2. It was so fun, I decided to publish it twice! -- KIm

  3. Nice presentation of the cookies. Your working right up my alley. My husband and I make Biscotti's almost every Christmas and give them out as gifts. We get requests for them every year.



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