Monday, February 14, 2005

Happy Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day will find me in my pajamas all day, watching Sex and the City, cleaning house primarily toilets, coloring my hair, and working on an illustration for my son's health project due tomorrow! Do you feel the love?

Later post: Thank you all, you made my day with your wonderful comments.


  1. The design and concept are great. I too have just become a Sex in the City fan. Prior to my stumbling across a rerun one evening, I didn't know what the big deal was about. Now I am hooked!

  2. I am with you there Girl. I am so hooked. Am coming down to my last cd in the box set. Will loan it out to everyone and start watching it again. Sad, when the best thing on TV all ready was. -- Kim

  3. i'm with you 3. first off, great illo! i'm so happy i didn't have a tv or cable so i can rent them all, but it's catching up. you know it's true love when your boyfriend endures your marathons. hee.

  4. Anonymous8:27 PM

    I really love your V-day illustration!


  5. That is so purdy! Love the layering of semi-transparent colors -- like velum! :)

    Leslie aka


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