Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Shopping And Beyond

I spent the day doing my favorite past-time. Shopping. I don't always purchase, but I love to look and take it all in. I found a ONE bargain today. "Fresh Cut" roomspray from Pottery Barn for 50% off. Fear of not ever finding it again, I ran from mall to mall buying up a good supply. Added a few more to send to a couple of friends as "My Favorite Things". It smells of freshly cut grass and my son always knows when I have REALLY cleaned house because he says "You've sprayed that perfume around the room." Thank God I did not see this set of minatures chairs because as you know I am trying to break the chair-buying habit. I found these great frames for presents also at Pottery Barn. (PS: I paid $24 for a square one, and $36.00 for the larger, horizontal one). They are canvas-backed deep (shadow-box type) for photos and other special keepsakes. I bought one for my friend I have since we took "driver's ed" together, way back when. I am going to put some photos of us as teenagers to get her started. The idea that you can easily change out images appeals to me. Also bought one for my mom and of course, for for me!

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