Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Jammed on jellies

My mom makes jellies, jams, chutneys all year for us to give to co-workers and neighbors for Christmas. She does not ALWAYS label the jars while she is cooking, so wrapping and labeling months later can be very interesting. This year she made Damn-Hot Relish, Jalapeno Jelly, Pear Perserves, Something Peach, Grape Jelly from our backyard Concord Grapes and several other jars of stuff that I will just label "Happy Holidays". We stayed up late last night baking cookies and breads. I made my favorite chewy, very chocolate Truffle Cookie and Chocolate-laced mini-pumpkin breads. I used that fun stringy yarn this year wrapping the jelly and jams, they look very festive.

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