Friday, March 15, 2024

Counting the minutes

I bought a new laptop and spent a few days setting it up. In preparation for coming to watch Robin's dogs for a week+. So I have been here many days now and finally gotten around to see if I can acess blogger from here ... and it worked. It is so weird to competely turn your life off. I really just count hours before I can leave. I hate to do that because then I hear the seconds slowly click by in real time. I am on the end now. My friend is having a great time in France so that makes me happy. 

Oh God, she has the most uncomfortable chairs. This is a smaller keyboard so I am making lots of mistakes. Not sure how great my new laptop is ... it keeps having issues. 

I have watched lots of movies and series. This morning I ran across YouTube video about Art in Spain. And when I get my laptop to work I will share the video. 

It had some great facts that I had forgotten about the Moors, Muslims, in Spain.  

Agriculture has been one of the central pillars of development of the world’s great civilisations and the agriculture of Al-Andalus made a key contribution to the advance of wellbeing in the western world. Prior to the arrival of the Arabs in Spain, agriculture had been based on a trio of crops, namely cereals, olives and vines. When the Arabs settled in Spain, they greatly enriched local farming with the introduction of other cereals (rice, sorghum), other vegetables (aubergines, artichokes, spinach and cardoons), other fruit trees (almonds, fig trees, mulberries, date palms, and citrus fruits) and other textile plants (cotton, hemp). They also used aromatic, medicinal, and ornamental plants. We should not forget that the increased variety of plant species was accompanied by the development of new methods of cultivation and the expansion of irrigation systems. The Arabs also perfected new methods for catching and storing subterranean and surface water and developed systems for terracing, draining and improving land. All of these aspects are analysed in this collection of twelve essays in which different authors highlight the importance of the Arabic influence on western agriculture. More books on this subject can be consulted at the Alhambra Library.

More to come, I am going to work on my laptop connections, 

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