Friday, February 02, 2024

The intensity of life

Sometimes I feel paralyzed by sadness and loss (and losing). Like today. We are going through and deciding what to get rid of and what to keep. I am taking photos of books to send to a friend of mine who has a book collector as a friend. What he does not want, Bri will take to 1/2 price books. It seems like to much but as Bri pointed out (what I do) is shove it in a corner and let it sit there collecting dust bunnies. 

The pain of giving it all away makes me never, ever want to purchase anything again. I honestly wonder sometimes, when David was buying something (it was always very cool), if he thought about where we would store it. He bought a beautiful hand-crafted, wooden 6 candle holder and 12 birch branches cut into segments for candles. All very nice but we have used them maybe twice ... and then they got shoved in some corner to be forgotten.

I still have to tackle David's suits, dress shirts and shoe collection. I am trying to keep my focus on the future, what will we really use and what we won't without getting emotional. I keep putting the clothes decisions off but it feels like it is time. Trying to be easy on myself ... but we are at critical mass here and time to let go of stuff.

On a lighter note, I watched to worst movie I HAVE EVER WATCHED, Titanic II. And you know coming from me, who watched all kinds of dumb movies ... that is sayin' something. This is how I spend my time whilst doing dishes and cleaning bathrooms. 

Intense colors of Jean Millard. His style reminds me a little of Henri Rousseau or maybe it is just the jungle/leaf similarities. 

1 comment:

  1. I would have contacted an auction house instead of just taking stuff to thrift shops. he paid good money
    for these things and they still have value. He had a collector's eye.


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