Tuesday, February 06, 2024

It's complicated

Another blind bites the dust and I need to order replacements. This one is in my bedroom and I want privacy at night. I have pulled out all of David's kept receipts of all things we have ever purchased or had built in this house. Files and files. Just checking who we  ought these from.

I am having strange dreams. Maybe watching too many political videos? LOL. Murphy woke me up  wanting to get up with me to sleep and I was trying to encourage him to the foot and not ON TOP of me. He finally went away but later I dreamed that he was laying there talking white supremacy crap and he had  some man's name that I remembered when I first woke up. It was funny but scary to think my dog was turning racist!

And on the news this morning Trump does not have immunity in Jan. 6 case. My, oh, my. He might be held accountable for trying to overthrow the government, wouldn't that be something. NO PRESIDENT has ever needed or asked for immunity before this orange POS. HE IS A CITIZEN LIKE ANYONE ELSE trying to break the law, period. Surprise .... he is not KING.

On a personal note ... I posted this on FB today in response to 2-0-year-old-me. Me, late 20’s, in my favorite raw silk shirt and linen skirt. At my favorite place, the Hardy house in Denton, with the candy drawer right behind me in Sally’s kitchen.  I still have a candy drawer now in my house in memory of Sally!

I didn't watch the Grammy's but I heard it from the other room. But I did hear all about Tracy Chapman. Love her! Apparently there was not a dry eye in America! I don't think there was one in this house. 



Love that Luke kept the lyric, "And I work in a market as a checkout girl." That's mad respect. 

I love pufferfish surface pattern! This particular species of puffer, called a "map puffer", has a reticulated pattern on its body with dark lines radiating from the eye. It is quite large, with a length of over 14 inches.

The white-spotted pufferfish (Torquigener albomaculosus) is known for its unique and complex courtship display which involves creating large, geometric circles in the sand. These circles are constructed in an effort to attract females for copulation. Males must maintain their circles in order to attract a mate. A female will evaluate the structure and choose to mate with the males after evaluation and completion of other mating behaviors. 



1 comment:

  1. can't remember when I last watched the Grammys but I watched this one from beginning to end - I seriously enjoyed it........ well, maybe except for crybaby Jay Z.


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