Wednesday, January 10, 2024

This and a whole lot of that

Had a great visit with Angie the other night. It is comforting to talk to someone your own age, feeling the same weird, "I can't be this old" feelings that we are having. 

I cleaned the bathroom for a day then bribed the girls to keep the sinks clean of globs of bright blue toothpaste, showing them how to clean it up as they go. So far ... challenge accepted and I have had TWO days of clean sinks. 

I also organized the towel closet, deleted a bunch that were fraying at the ends, randomly bleached hand towels, and such. Hung a new shower curtain with kid-friendly owls. I love having a clean bathroom. I also ironed napkins before putting them away ... some Christmas ones ... and I sometimes have these random thoughts ... "will I be alive next Christmas when we get the napkins out?" It feels a little bleak and gruesome, but I also have had these thoughts when seeing the peonies die off or the meadow rue go to seed. Am I asking for another year to enjoy them? Or just wondering. The thoughts mostly pop up more since David has passed away. But they are there never the less.

I am watching the exhaust fumes from a far-away airplane going fast over me ... exhaust turned pink from the excellent sunset we are having tonight. I always wonder "where is the airplane full of people going?" I once wanted to be on board headed for an adventure but not anymore. I am just boring now.

After picking up the girls from school, we dropped by the new ice cream parlor in Edmonds where we proceeded to spend $20 on two cones? And I was shocked when I spent $6 on a double-scoop hot fudge sundae at B&R last time I was there, before they closed. I mean really? 

While we were enjoying the expensive ice cream, we drove by the water on the way home and caught a glimpse of rainbow, just kissing the water.

Noah has been drawing a lot lately. This is her skiing snowman today with green goggles.


IF you are on Instagram ... and IF you are, you really need to be watching Peaches 'n Diesel.

This episode is about "Januhairy" and rogue body hairs ...  she usually parodies the ridiculousness of the fashion industry. I am in love with her.

Only in 'murica can a murderer become a right-wing hero. Who can explain this to me? The comments were brutal.

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