Monday, January 22, 2024

Larger than life

I finally finished dirty dished from last night. I told everyone to leave them last night. I am wishing the rain away!!! 

So much rain, so little yard for it to fit into. 

Today is my "funday" ... going to get kids in a minutes. 

So, I use old toothbrushes to clean with. The other day I noticed one was upside down in the cup and that should have warned me. I was brushing, the toothbrush had a Windex smell. I asked Noah and she said she cleaned the bathroom mirror with it. Then yesterday, I saw her with another toothbrush cleaning one of her toys! Nothing is sacred. 

I forgot to mention all the stupid disaster movies I have been watching. A bunch about lightening ... funny enough, many of the films are filmed in Seattle. Last night I delve into bad tornado movies, then watched a couple of volcano and killer wave situation. The killer wave had a scene where the captain of the ship is heroically holding on when someone falls overboard, pan to the drownging man ... just hanging out in calm sea water. Some of these can be pretty entertaining.  

Miles Jaffe adds a sense of size and laughter in his art. And his Instagram. Found via Artwork Archives.

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