Saturday, January 20, 2024

God gave us trump

The gulls are very close to the house this morning and having a very loud meal somewhere. 

The birds have been oddly hyper-active since coming out of our deep-freeze ... they almost act like they are getting ready to mate? Is it too early? The crows, Stellar Jays and all other birds are back after hibernating, I guess ... I did not see them for days, only the hummingbirds and smaller birds. 

I don't know about the rest of you but my days are running in together, maybe it i the winter ho-hums. 

The dogs wake me up early (330a) to go potty (Murphy's big wet nose running all over my face), going back to sleep (sort of), then either the kids wake me up or the dogs want to go out again. Then Pixie wakes up around 9a and wants out, then immediately needs food. I make my coffee around then ... and spend an hour trying to drink it and reheating it. 

I get my blood going by watching politics and checking if trump has passed away the night before. Next, do the dishes from the night before and then figure out what the rest of the day holds for me. 

Most of it is letting dogs in and out and trying to keep the cats in. Fetching meals and drinks for the kids. Yesterday, as promised, I took the girls to Target to buy them their "bribery goodies" for keeping the sinks toothpaste-glob-free for two weeks and completely cleaning their room. 

I will spare you the details and the final total, only to say it was expensive and fun. LOL. 

I have started using David's expensive Boise noise-canceling headphones. I don't think he ever used them. Bri finished taking the Christmas decorations down yesterday. 

I still point out stuff that Bri can just get rid of. Little antiques to sell, or glass jars of 20 Mule team borax that she can throw out. Matt and Bri went off the buy a new Grohe faucet, soap dispenser and garbage disposal. Spent the rest of the night installing them. Both plumbers I had contacted started at $125.00 an hr, $200 fee to just come over plus all other charges. Matt said he would just do it and I would pay him. The last Grohe faucet was a great one, but Mason has used it to pull herself on the countertop a few too many times and it was coming undone.  I guess we could have tightened it but it has been repaired once and I thought we needed a new one. Plus the garbage disposal was coughing up some pretty disgusting food remnants. Anyway, all done. 

So now is chance to turn away ... the rest of this is political crap that is driving me insane the last couple of days. The trump video is a response to another video about how trump was sent by God, if you haven't watched this delusional piece of propaganda ... it is a must.



Trump appears to confuse Haley and Pelosi while making false Jan. 6 claims in New Hampshire 


And then this this morning  

MANCHESTER, N.H. — Rep. Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y., balked at the idea that Trump has “lost a step” in an interview with NBC News, insisting that despite the former president mistakenly referring to Haley instead of Nancy Pelosi at a rally last night, it “wasn’t a mix-up” at all. 

“The reality is Nikki Haley is relying on Democrats, just like Nancy Pelosi, to try to have a desperate showing,” Stefanik said. Pressed by NBC News that Trump was talking about Jan. 6 when he misspoke, Stefanik doubled down: 

“President Trump has not lost a step. He is a stronger candidate” now than in 2016. Stefanik also dodged multiple times when asked whether she'd vote to certify the 2024 election results should Biden win again. Asked whether she wanted to join the ranks of Trump’s potential running mates, Stefanik said she’s “focused” on her job in Congress and that “it’s a long time between now and November.” 

Stefanik appeared this morning at Trump's campaign headquarters in New Hampshire, where she was met with "VP" chants. 

My new anthem 



Holy Sh*t, they can't be this stupid??? 


  1. Oh GAWD, Kim, it's HARD to stomach this crap. This year is leading up to being another totally nauseating year!

  2. OMG those idiots!! Those videos!!! OMG!!

  3. RFL Explaining t*rump to a tourist LOLLLLL


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