Saturday, January 06, 2024

Dinged out on Dunkers!

Weeks just floated by! My SIL has been here and we have been busy visiting, going places, with the girls, shopping. It was great having her here. We laughed a lot, drank hot chocolate and ate Trader Joe's DUNKERS until we were sick. We watched all the TV she doesn't get at home ... binge-watching. We took edibles (small doses) one night, that didn't turn out so great and have vowed never to do that again. She left yesterday and I came home and flopped down on the sofa. Murphy and I had a power struggle over who was going to take a nap there!
This morning I caught up with all of my political silliness that I neglected the last couple of weeks. And today I have a lot to catch up on being Jan 6th and all. Reading comments from the idiot citizens about how mistreated trump has been, j6 political prisoners and more nonsense. There is SO much to catch up on, the fortune teller on Jesse Waters, Trump's lawyer saying ON NATIONAL TV that Kavanaugh would let trump stay on the ballot, hearing speaker Mike owning up to the fact they want Biden of fail no matter what.

No one seems to get that I need this every day. To read it, to be reminded, not to forget, to remind others that we are in a war right now, a moral dilemma of the most urgent nature. I don't expect anyone else to rant on about it, I will gladly do it until trump is safely IN JAIL. But don't ask me to stop! (My kids don't understand). David understood completely where I was coming from and supported me. He couldn't rant on because of his position at the newspaper.


I have not really even gone through my Christmas treasures again since they were lovingly set in the bedroom. Time to clean, do dishes, TAKE A SHOWER, make returns!

I am thinking of crawling into bed later today with a Hallmark Crossword Mystery Movie.
Feeling small in a bigger world.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you had a wonderful time with your SIL. Makes me a bit envious. I've been dealing with Covid for the last 3 weeks and hence have seen NO ONE. I have lost a whole year to the physical stuff. Ready for something different, now, please. :D


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