Friday, December 15, 2023

Time loop

I should be vacuuming right now, but my back is hurting after cleaning the kitchen of spaghetti dinner, so I am taking a blogging break. SIL comes tomorrow night ... I told myself yesterday, if it does not get cleaned, it will be okay. I no more get something clean than it is a mess again. 

I spent about an hour moving crap to the right room. Found toothbrushes, regular brushes, hair ties and clips, lip gloss, etc and took it to bathroom. Shoes, clothes, LOTS of socks to bedroom (tossed in the door), dog toys to box so I will not trip over or break a toe on one, gave dog food, and watered everyones's bowl, dirty dishes, empty pop and beer cans to kitchen, candy wrappers (on the floor), pictures that Noah colored last night, wrapping paper (Noah's birthday last night), more paper shit torn from gifts ... to the trash. Mind you, I do this almost every day and there is just more the next day. Groundhog day cleaning.

While I am cleaning, I am thinking about how different Bri and I are. She is an Aquarian and is really just like DAVID, another Aquarian. In our cleaning, organizational interest is really where the difference shows up the most. I am not saying I am right or she is right ... we are just very opposite. I CAN not decorate a dirty room or house. It makes my head hurt and my creativity and desire to decorate is extinguished. It is a good thing that doesn't deter Bri because she wants to get the tree up for the kids and family. Left up to me, we would be treeless until the room is clean, which might be never at this juncture. Thankfully, she has full authority to decorate and it all looks great (except for the surrounding mess). 

I also realize (I always knew this but didn't verbalize it), that I use this blog for a sounding board. Seeing how something reads or looks before I solidify it in my thoughts. 

I got stuck on watching a special on Band of Brothers last night on YouTube. I so loved that series and I realize I have become somewhat of a WWII historian with all the specials I have digested. I also watched the memorial service for Dick Winters, very inspirational and moving. David and I watched that series so many times. I am always amazed at how brave those kids were and how in the world they ever did what they did to give the world freedom! I had watched a WWII special and I guess I forgot just how close the world came to being ruled by Hitler.


This was a great review of the story of the Band of Brothers 



I am so sick of this crap showing up in my email. The first thing, check the email address that it is coming from. Some of them are just funny. They want you to click, or subscribe, or buy or something. I just delete. I really love the Spanish version of 'verify your hotmail". And who or what is Aspire credit card???

I am going to need an extraordinary amount of coffee for today's task! 
I also watched Archie the other night. I found it so depressing. Someone looking so perfect, handsome, talented with so many mental issues. I am not saying that is not normal ... so controlling. I could not, would not be married to someone like that, no matter how handsome or rich. 
Also the new movie The Family Plan is coming to Apple TV, Invitation to a Murder, Killers of the Flower Moon ... so many things for Kate to watch when she gets here. The girls are so excited for her to be her.

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