Monday, December 04, 2023

Bikes, bunnies and bunches of flowers

I have a little stomach ailment the last couple of days. Could be the chaos ... but who knows. 

I have been watching Christmas Romance movies on YouTube ... I am guessing Lifetime or Hallmark? Each one has that handsome man, widowed; a professional, recently unemployed, sometimes with a daughter. I drift to the snowy, small town settings ... but they are all over the map. I am convinced these all all the same little town, with different bows and shitty wreaths plastered all over Main Street. Every interior looks like Hobby Lobby threw up the cheapest Christmas decorations all over the walls and stair banisters. I especially liked the one I just experienced, with a random cheap red bow on the walls. But hey, it is mindless entertainment while I don't feel good. 

There was one movie, where the mom said she would not put up a tree. But the daughter asked the Santa, who was really the main guy who would fall in love with her for her mom to have a  tree and be happy. Of course, he showed up with one. And lots of decorations were produced. Then pan out and the entire house is decked out with artificial spruce garlands, a wreath on every wall.  It was a Christmas miracle!! 


I woke up with a huge nostrils in my face at 7am ... then Remi gave me a big, slobbery lick across the lips. Earlier, around 1 a.m. Pixie was barking to be let out. And after I finally got back to sleep ... Luna, the older cat came to sleep on my legs. She forces me to pet her by ramming her face into my hand. 

So we are back the "zoo" atmosphere here. 

And of course it raining, HARD which makes going outside for the dogs fun for them, muddy for us.  Wendeline Matson happy-go-lucky style makes me very happy. "My sense of color was formed by everything from early color television to children’s book illustrations to prairie landscapes and the billboards along the Texas highways where I grew up."

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