Wednesday, November 29, 2023

The transistion

Not sure what day we are on in our transition. It all goes pretty fast. Kids just left for school. I guess they will be moving back to this school district. All the dogs have been out. I have fed Pixie ... protecting her food from the other dogs while she eats. 

One of the many cats is walking over my keyboard as I type, having a sniff of my coffee as he passes by. Luna likes to drink her water from my glass, all the time. They all have found their spots on the window sills and desk to watch the birds. I am trying to protect the birds I feed from on cat that ventures outside, Luna. Luna grew up here, knows this place very well and feels like she is just coming back home. The new, young cats are busy eating the dried weeds I have in a vase by the computer. It is all very amusing. 

That is the animal zoo ... then we have the human zoo. I use the word "devolve" now (to change from one thing to another, often to something bad) as the girls start off screaming at each other and end up in a slapping match. We tend to stop them when they get to the physical stage but have decided to try the "let them work it out" therapy when it comes to fighting over toys. Mason use to like to control or manipulate Noah, but Noah has turned out quite smart and very strong and has learned to fight back. This makes all interactions between them very entertaining. Unfortunately, they are also both very smart and cunning. 😵 She is also very busy creating art.

(On an other note R. Philip Bouchard says devolve makes him cringe. These days the word “devolve” has gotten quite popular in the media. Every few days I encounter the word in a news report or a printed article. The authors use the word to mean decline, degrade, descend, degenerate, decay, or regress. This is primarily an American phenomenon. In the UK, the word “devolve” refers to a process of decentralizing government powers. There is an ongoing discussion in that country as to which aspects of national government authority should be transferred (“devolved”) to regional parliaments or local councils. This, of course, is a very different meaning of the word than seen in the examples above. While the British use of the word might seem a bit odd (especially to Americans), it is the American use of the word that makes me cringe.

Maybe I should use the word degrade or regress

I am here alone, drinking my coffee with barking dogs and roaming cats. I guess, not so much "alone". My role right now includes turning off lights, doing dishes, picking up "stuff" from the floor, telling the dogs "no barking". (Not complaining)

Bri has been cleaning and organizing, RE: getting rid of food past it's use by date. She is constantly doing this so I am surprised there is any still here. I have learned not to get involved.

Working as a freelance illustrator from her Shrewsbury studio (Shropshire, UK), Rosanna creates semi-surreal scenes and narratives, with a particular passion for the magic of the natural world. Delicate lines and rich handmade paper textures are woven together to depict elegant, elongated forms, complimented by a limited colour palette of gouache. 

I think she looks and sounds just like her art, quiet sweet and soft.

Rosanna Tasker, Sanctuary in Nature for the Grange from Studio Response on Vimeo.



  1. The Transition....I should refer to my situation as this...and my Son and your Daughter in law would be quite a twosome- checking the dates on every item in the household and tossing it. Even deodorant. Potato Chips. I am happy I do not have a date stamped on the back of my neck... Or do I???????

  2. Bri went through every drawer yesterday, and as in the past I said don't throw it away ... yesterday, I said, throw away what ever you want ... every drawer is organized to a T!!! and all old food in the trash


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