Sunday, November 12, 2023

Pity post

Trying NOT to make this a pity post. The last few days have been weird. I went to bed day before at 6pm. It was cold and dark and I felt emotionally exhausted. 

Bri and I went through David's 100's of novels to pick out keepers and put a stack of "get rid of". I don't know why the books are so emotional. Honestly, it is all emotional. I have albums stacked up all over the house trying to make a decision. Bri has sold most of the comics and bobble heads. We packed up all of his airbrush equipment. Bri did an extensive search for products and prices and trust me, there is a lot of it! I was trying to figure out who to call next when she came in and said ... "wait on that call, I think I might have sold some on Market Place". 

The other day we went through FOUR boxes of tea sets David brought home from his mom's house. I have all ready given away most of my tea sets. The kids don't want them, I don't have room for them ... so what to do? I talked to my SIL because I don't want to get rid of anything she might want and she is in the same boat. Not only will I not use them, have no space for them. They were beautiful! 

I sat around wringing my hands about how and where to sale these. When Bri walked upstairs and said "they are all gone". She had put them on her Mom's group for free and had an avalanche of moms wanting them for their girls. The moms and girls came to the door to collect them, all excited for their next tea party. Okay, I feel about that. Making someone happy with them makes me happy. Just like when I gave all my stuff away, thinking ... someone will find this on the shelf and feel as delighted as I did the day I found it! I always think about selling it but honestly, is it worth the effort? For some people maybe it is.

But all of this is taking a an emotional toll and it is not over. We still have a long way to go. I wish it was like cleaning a room and when you are done you can look around and see your success. 

I was acting a little weird and I tried to explain to Bri how hard this all was. She understood but also said she felt a little guilty because she felt she might be forcing me into these decisions. Actually if she wasn't here encouraging me ... it would be much harder.

Regardless, a couple of days ago, I slid into my bed very early, slept very late and have done that now for a couple of days. My head is feeling a little better. 

My neighbors have been in France and Italy for as long as I have not taken a shower. Okay, I probably should not confess that ... but I AM taking one tonight. I did a load a dishes so I can insure I will have enough hot water. 

Oh and my other worry and concern, I am definitely having trouble driving. My eyesight is just getting worse. I guess it is time to consult about the cataract surgery. Oh the joys of getting old!

I do have an event to go to on Friday. Bri and Mason will go with. Robin is having a talk/concert introducing her new book. Bri will be driving :)

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