Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Let Me Down Easy

I started dicing celery and onions yesterday in prep for dressing. While dicing I watched House on Haunted Hill with Vincent Price. I think I watched it when I was a young. IT is just as gleefully, deliciously awful as you would imagine. I loved it. Hey, I don't like to think I am being punished by being in the kitchen all alone. 

I cleaned off the table top after ONE year of being covered with death notices, probate crap, credit card statements, legal Will packet, oh, the paperwork was a mounted mess full of very boring stuff. But I put it in neat, labeled piles, moved it off the table. Washed the table down of one years' worth of dust and dirt, ready for Thanksgiving. (So really, it is just moving shit around from one box to another, room to another with a promise of resolving it some day).

I am making dressings. Everyone else is making everything else. I might make some Cranberry relish because I want to take a shot at it. I need to make it this afternoon because the oven will be busy tonight and tomorrow. 

Kids are spending the night. Bri's mom and her boyfriend will come over. It will be nice. I still think an expensive meal out was a great option. Bri keeps saying "paper plates" will make  everything easier, but I have never eaten, or will ever eat Thanksgiving dinner (or any dinner) on a paper plate given how many plates we have in this house. I caught this video the other day and it was delightful to watch. This reminded me so much of how my mom cooked and entertained. It was always about the people, visiting, making everyone feel at home. 

So you know with everything going on, I am going to have to talk about politics today and get it off my chest. Since there is no one here for me to "get it off my chest" to!

One of very best friends posted on FB she liked Chris Christie followed by, go ahead and hate on me. Well, I don't mind Chris Christie. I didn't say anything because frankly, I am sick of nasty comments and fighting on FB. So I just let everything go now and keep posting my truth. I think he has some integrity and at least has been honest about Trump and the cabal of republicans. But I would NEVER vote for Christ Christie, because he is a republican! Mainly because, putting him in the White House would put the corrupt, lying, conspiracy spewing republicans in power. Period. I mean, it is not as bad as trump ... but almost. She might not think that is a tragedy buy I do. Speaker Mike and his bible pushing BS is about as much as I can take from them. I am trying my best to not let my brain explode everyday with a break from news with Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Kimmel for comic relief of our horrible situation. It keeps me sane and Jimmy was very funny last night. 


Why when gas prices have gone down everywhere, we are still paying over $4. We are always paying more than the rest of the U.S. Our tax rate. But I love the Prius. I don't drive much but I really use NO  gas. I fill my car up every couple of months! 

I saw this bit of hilarity this morning. Former United States Representative Jason Chaffetz was mocked on X after his bold claim about the price of holiday birds which, he said, was due to president Joe Biden’s economic policies. Fox news is ridiculous.


I got into another scam on Instagram yesterday. My aunt has been DMing on there for weeks and I sort of ignored her because we talked frequently on the phone. Yesterday, I engaged and quickly realized this was not my aunt! The person was trying to get my number so they could text me some gobbly-guck about ACL program and the $100k they were giving away. I told him to hang on, I was calling the local FBI on my landline, then later saying ... quickly send me that number, the FBI is wanting it. Oh brother. So I blocked and reported, etc. I called and left my aunt a message about it. Not sure if she will understand what is going on.  

How many hours did I listen to the Isley Brothers driving in Texas roads from A to B to C? To many to mention, but I can say, I know every word, of every lyrics ;) Okay, now off to cook. Thanks for listening, I was feeling very lonely.

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