Friday, November 03, 2023

It is time for change

I have to admit, I have been a little down the last couple of days. I have been thinking WHY and I finally just came up with ... it is everything going on! Wars, politics, crazy MAGA, the new speaker talking about forming a committee to "look into" social security and medicare. Now I have friends who say this is just the "liberal media" whipping up fear. But I have read plenty of crap from this guy and I think he is serious. Yes SSN has serious problems, but come up with a solution, tax the rich ... don't threaten the little guy. What do people do who don't have retirement funds? And why aren't Americans who have paid into this system their entire working lives are NOT up in arms is beyond me. Then he says he thinks their should be a "religious test" before anyone runs for office. 

And then Santos was kicked out on his ear and Democrats voted to keep him. I mean, he is a liar, theft, criminal! And admitted to most of that. Some democrat said they did not want to set a standard of kicking these kind of crooks out ... but WHY, I ask? It just feels like the bad guys are winning for a long time now.

Maybe it is because I don't have David to here being enraged with me. Seems like few of my friends are upset about all of this. I am almost to the point of not watching the news ... almost, not quite yet.  Late Night humor keeps me sane!


comments are so good: 

 @shermanculbertson6244 - It’s absolutely and completely humiliating and embarrassing that George Santos is a member of Congress.

@tubruton - I feel sorry for George Santos. He hasn't been under this much pressure since being down by three touchdowns in the Super Bowl.  

@GGoAwayy - The thing that gets me about Santos is how he maintains his insufferable rude put upon attitude, snarking at anyone accusing him of things which he definitely did do.  

@hmdwgf - Scalise once called himself “David Duke without the baggage.” Oh dear God…  

@kevdimo6459 - Please explain to us in the rest of the world, how can these crooks still be allowed to be representatives in Congress or even a Political Party? It’s like a scene out of an eighties comedy show! 

I stopped everything the other day when I realized The Haunting of Venice was streaming ... FREE on Hulu. This is where I saw an antique chiming clock featuring Adam, Eve and a snake that was beautiful. Of course I had to find that online.


$10,999.00 - W&H Antique Mantel Clock TRIPLE FUSEE 2 Chime on 8 Bells/Gong Huge 1880s German WINTERHALDER Hofmeier. Isn't this lovely?

I took a much needed shower last night. And put on my new Women's Beautifully Soft Fleece Jogger Pants - Stars Above™ from Target. Very soft! I made a kale, walnut, pear, bell pepper, purple and red radish, and balsamic vinaigrette. Delicious! Then made Banana Bread with walnuts and chocolate chips. Have also been watching MasterChef World TV on YouTube ... which always makes me very hungry. Then I think I can cook ;)

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