Monday, November 20, 2023

Break-out painting style

Well, decisions have been made, we are having Thanksgiving dinner here, that we cooked. We talked about going out, and ordering in ... but none of the above now. So, I am making my list for my responsibility of the list ... not much, dressing and maybe the Brussels sprouts. But I will have to clear the table of crap. The same crap I have been trying to clear for one year LOL. Have been watching too much news, lots of Charlie Chan. I really do think they need a modern remake of Charlie Chan. Of course, an appropriate actor to play him! Maybe even black and white with those great cast shadows. I watched a 'made for TV' 1950? show that the actor were sooooo terrible, the son was now a daughter who looked Spanish and didn't even take a stab at Chinese-accent banter. It was so bad, that I could only watch a few minutes! 

Justine Hill, love the approach to painting. Segments, shapes, the dimensionality, the patterns and colors.

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