Wednesday, October 25, 2023

The line between order and chaos

That headline refers to my life right now too. I have so much to do and I feel like my feet art stuck in the mud. My S-I-L will be here soon so it is essential that I get a few rooms cleaned up. Plus we are cleaning out several areas and I can't find anyone to take FREE, expensive airbrush equipment. Who Knew? Bri is really working hard to keep us on track to clear out the house before they move back.

Having fun keeping up with the clown show otherwise known as the GOP and their attempt to elect a speaker. I am soooo happy the late night guys are back to keep me in stitches at the absurdity of each day. And watching Jenna Ellis say yesterday (teary-eyed) that she had morals and ethics made me laugh so hard my cheeks ached. When will it end? With an election denying house speaker, let's just see how the next election goes.

And then there is the horror going on in Gaza and I can hardly watch anymore death, dead kids or kids crying over their dead parents. I understand Israel wants Hamas GONE but enough is enough. Maybe they have gone a little too far? 

Anyway, I need to go clean, make phone calls and clean some more!

Jonathan Calugi achieves the complex but simple line art like a master! His Instagram is fun too. His website is Happy Lovers Town which makes sense when you see how handsome he it.


  1. I am pretty good at finding homes for things needed a home?
    I haven't a clue as to how much space and weight the Air Brush things take up...
    Let's chat about it in emails.


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