Saturday, October 07, 2023

Sovereign citizen movement ... have a good laugh today

It's a 'movement', kind of like taking a sh*t on the laws of this country. I am sure most of you are not interested in this silliness, but I ran across it on the internet one day and could not believe what I was watching. It is insulting to think THE REST of take having licenses, tags on my car, insurance, you know ... very seriously. NOT THE SPECIAL sov-cit ... I had never heard of them before. But it isn't a joke. These people are seriously nutty.

The sovereign citizen phenomenon is one of the main contemporary sources of pseudolaw. Sovereign citizens believe that courts have no jurisdiction over people and that the use of certain procedures (such as writing specific phrases on bills they do not want to pay) and loopholes can make one immune from government laws and regulations. They also regard most forms of taxation as illegitimate and reject Social Security numbers, driver's licenses, and vehicle registration. Sovereign citizen arguments have no basis in law and have never been successful in any court. 

 How do these judges keep from laughing? 

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