Friday, October 20, 2023

Moving past anxiety attacks

Life without David is a very different color. Right now, it still feels dull and gray. 

Bri, Mason and I are cleaning out the studio today. Well, we attempting to go through the airbrush drawers. So much of it. Expensive equipment. Tons of ink. I found a school that I can donate it to. Plus art books. We have sold many books. Donating the art books. I have been giving books to the Little Libraries. We are trying to get the studio cleaned out somewhat to turn half of it into the place for the kid's toys and for them to play. Of course we will also all do art down there. 

Rapidograph pens, loops, proportional measuring scale, color wheel for cmyk printing, air brush spray guns, cleaners, so many color pens. Tablets of paper, art portfolios, tons of storage boxes for paints, and TONS of paint. Tools from careers long, long ago.

David has so many little "toys" and silly things that he has collected. Awards. Old work ... well both of us have tons of samples of old work. I have decided to throw most of it away. It is not like I am looking for a job ever again. It is so very hard thing to do. Something that is such a deep part of your past and life. But I feel like it must be done. And I just feel like I have to remove my aching heart and move to the future. 

Well,  I just had a little meltdown and came upstairs to settle down. Back to work!

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