Sunday, October 08, 2023

Fox continues to lie

How did I miss THIS delicious story? Probably wasting my time watching sov-cit videos? #FakeFox has not learned their lesson about lying. They went all in on this fake story completely made up by this veteran Sharon Tony-Finch, who even hired homeless men to impersonate veterans, offering to pay them (which she didn't) ... shocker. Right out of the Trump playbook. Why she isn't in jail surprises me. Fox ran with the story, some republican went on the house floor to vent his frustrations with horrible left.

Fox News went all in on a story about migrants displacing veterans from a New York hotel, featuring it on no less than 15 different shows. The network even claimed to have substantiated the reporting themselves. But then the whole thing unraveled.


The controversy around an Army veteran accused of fabricating a tale of homeless veterans being booted from hotels to make room for migrants deepened on Friday—with state officials launching an investigation and questions raised about her claims of being a Purple Heart recipient. 

The woman at the center of the maelstrom is Sharon Toney-Finch, who was inducted last July into the New York State Senate Veterans’ Hall of Fame after a special salute by lawmakers for her service. She is listed in the National Purple Heart Hall of Honor, has been the subject of glowing profiles about her heroism under fire, and once appeared on Fox & Friends to unveil a set of Purple Heart commemorative coins. On May 16, New York State Sen. Rob Rolison, a former police officer, honored Toney-Finch as a “woman of distinction,” making special note of her Purple Heart.

And this Sharon Toney-Finch chick is still operating on FB AND is on LinkedIn. These asses are never embarrassed by their horrible and illegal behavior. 

Sharon Toney-Finch with NY Assemblyman Brian Maher, who said the advocate lied when she claimed ex-military were getting booted from hotels to make way for the flood of migrants up north.

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