Sunday, September 10, 2023

What makes you happy?

Caught this this morning on Sunday Morning. 


It is a hard question to answer. But once you start, you can't stop.

Watching my grandkids interact with their parents.

A clean, organized house, clean windows and super clean bathroom

My sand collection

My blog 

All my collections, hard to pick just one. 

British mysteries 

Road trip with David and visiting my SIL and sister, Susan.

Having a purpose to be creative trying to work out the process, like Brantlers or creating an invitation or brainstorming some project.

Warm chocolate cake for ganache frosting (with milk)

Having Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners with family and friends, that we have cooked, mainly my mom 

Anything my mom cooked up, especially cheese and grits 

Discovering new artist (on the internet?) 

Screaming at political shows featuring trump with David

Shopping with Mason

Different kinds of small vase (my collection), with beautiful dried seedpods in them

Looking at quilting books

Sitting in the family room at night with all David and all the dogs watching something good on TV

Watching videos about exotic, foreign lands (armchair traveler)

Watching the plants turn to seeds

My iMac

(I will stop now, could keep going)

PS, isn't it funny how nothing touches on money?

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