Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Tricking the brain

Bill Braun likes to trick you! This is not cut paper, it is a painting.  He is in Seattle!

Trompe L'Oeil (French... "deceives the eye") a type of painting , usually a still-life, which by means of various illusionist devices persuades the viewer that he is looking at the objects actually represented. Successful Trompe L'Oeil occupies a very shallow space behind the picture-plane, or actually seems to project beyond the picture surface (Dictionary of Art Terms - the Thames and Huson). 

Mr. Braun's paintings are impressive feats of hyper-realism. What appears to be the ingredients for a third grade art project of cut out construction paper, masking tape, staples and brown craft paper loosely assembled on the wall is in reality a tight and precise execution of acrylic paint on a flat canvas.



  1. I saw this on the news yesterday. Amazing !!

  2. someone sent it to me from FB ;)


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