Monday, September 18, 2023

Symmetry required (a word I had to look up today)

Matt had Covid for his birthday so we finally dined out with the family to celebrate. It was great to all be together enjoying dinner. Mason said "if we move back, we can have dinner together all the time". 

Well, the kids are talking about moving back. I have a few reservations, mainly about having the huge dogs here. Although I love them to death, it is just a lot of work, hair and mud in the winter. But the thought of a little noisy chaos makes me happy. So we will see what happens. It will be very different for the girls since they have experienced having their own bedrooms. We do have this mud room under the room I am in right now that was never finished. It is huge. I had considered making it up for mom but we never did. So we could do that room, add a bathroom and have a huge new living space.

I found two good shows to share, both on Amazon (Britbox). Isolation Stories, a powerful snapshot of the lockdown life, this limited drama created during the pandemic captures moments of anxiety, loneliness, comfort, and joy that are being experienced around the world, is very entertaining. The other is The Lost King (also on Amazon).

There is a fall chill in the air today. It says 64* but if feels a little colder. The plants look better for it right now. Leaves on the maple are turning red. The vine maple, yellow. You know what drives me to distraction? Seeing dead little branches in the trees that I can not reach. Have no idea why. It just feels like something that needs to be tidied up.

Why do I love Gregorian Chants so much? I don't know, but it makes me feel very calm and it is great to clean house to.

It is good for me to keep writing stuff on this blog because I find myself forgetting how to spell! This keeps me in tip top writing shape. 

I put the chairs in the cabinet I unearthed in the storage unit. Unfortunately not all chairs fit in it and point of the collection is having them all together. So I have decided to put the sand collection in there. It seems perfect but I have some of the sand in the cute, old boxes. I was thinking about just selling the chairs but Bri said keep. Now I need to rehang some art in dining room.

I am getting a Covid booster on Wednesday at Walgreens, plus flu and all of those other required for the old people for winter.

The bathroom is a pee landmine field. Pixie continues to go outside, I guess just to have a look around because she seems to prefer the bathroom for her toilet. The other day I guess in the middle of the kitchen she had one of those moments. She is taking the Pica route of getting old. At least it is not doing her business on the carpet. Yeah??





I am drawn to symmetry like Japanese artist, Yumaeda's very interesting and colorful art.

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