Friday, September 29, 2023

Getting scammed

Well, it is seems too good to be true, it probably is. I deposited the check for the freelance job, and I was surprised it was for the full amount. Matt Diggle, who contacted me then texted me later and said the board had canceled half the presentation. I then said, I guess I owe you a refund. He said, can you send it as soon as possible and I felt pretty weird about the urgency! (Now this is where me spending wasting all of that time watching scam videos on YouTube comes in handy.) I told him when the check clears, I would refund half of the payment. He said it had cleared according to his people and I said, it hasn't according to my bank. Anyway, I have been checking everyday and today it was noted that the check had been "RETURN ITEM CHARGEBACK" so I called the bank to get the info on that. She said they thought it was fraudulent and were sending it back. She said the check was on Nevada Bank and I should call that bank when I receive the check. I had also NOT signed the back, which I quit doing years ago, and she said, it might be that reason.

Anyway, I have saved all his email, this text, his number, the venmo info he sent me. Oh, I had also looked him up in the very beginning and there is a Matt Diggle who worked for a school district in CA. Which was also the header on his contract that I had signed. So I called Mr Diggle at the school using the phone number on the school district website and it was NOT the same man. He said that had happened to several other freelance artist. He had contacted to authorities. I am calling the FBI today. Not sure they will do anything. You know my rant about our police system doing NOTHING to stop the bad guys. 

I am just thankful I didn't send him any money, or give him any important details. 

Well, at least I had fun re-learning illustrator while I was getting scammed. ;0

I found this online:

Recently I was contacted through email of a man wanting to hire me to paint 8 illustrations for an upcoming event for his company.

This guy apparently just found my email through my Artstation portfolio and contacted me out of the blue. He's says that he is an "event coordinator" for a medical company and he is asking for me to paint 8 illustrations for and upcoming event for students aged 18-21 about Covid. The company he mentions is in fact real (it's a medical company) and it matches up with his professional history in the medical field. (Although, this company is not mentioned on his LinkedIn.)

Now, I've been suspicious of this from the very start. I am not an established freelancer and do not have a network. But more so, I was contacted a little while ago by another client with a suspiciously similar story--asking for several illustrations for an event regarding covid that will be attended by students. That client dropped off the face of the earth, but this new has been very consistent and believable.

Here are the green flags:

  • Legit sounding email address w/ profile picture of his face

  • His name/ face is searchable on Google + LinkedIn

  • His LinkedIn work history matches up with what he's said in emails (though not perfectly)

  • Email is 90% free of error and spelling mistakes

  • Has been very patient, focused on the work itself, and hasn't focused much on money

But there are some red flags:

  • He contacted me out of the blue (I am not an established artist and have no network)

  • He has no email signature with external links/ contact information

  • Offering a very generous amount of money (~$1000 per painting, 8 paintings total)

  • Says he's "hearing impaired" when asked if he's open to phone calls

  • Says he wishes to pay me "via a cashier's check or bank certified check"

  • Is asking for my name, address, phone number, & bank name


1 comment:

  1. I am afraid of putting mail out in the roadside mailbox-- scammers are going by and collecting mail if the flag is up.
    When I was getting a ride (husband) to town I walked to post office with my bills. took them inside to mail.
    I did mail bills when daughter picked me up to drive to hospital. But haven't seen her enough to give her this week's bills.

    Everyone on street is busy right now.....I need to call AAA and get tires checked, battery charged up and Gas in the tank.
    Not that they give you more than one gallon. I do not know how to get get gas.......Gary always took it an filled up.
    Sigh. The volume the tv (with Tivo) won't work....Something is very wrong. And I can't fix it.

    I am so thankful you didn't sign the check and didn't send him money.......I hope he gets run over by a BUS.


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