Saturday, August 12, 2023

Think before you destroy

I have been seeing these enormous weeds show up under the hydrangeas. Thinking, well, I am watering a lot so they are really growing. They have LONG fibrous roots that connect them all. And they are so hard to pull out of the dirt. So I got what I could. I took a photo to identify it since I have so many!

And Clerodendrum trichotomum came up. I kept thinking, I don't think I planted anything like this and it is obviously a lovely big bush (eventually). After finding out that it has lovely flowers I thought, I wish I had transplanted some of them and NOT pulled them all up. But then again ... the mystery of where they came from.

Yesterday, looking out from the deck, I noticed right above this area is a big bush in covered in lovely flowers. I have noticed it before and did not really mind that it was coming over the fence. But to my shock, I realized it was the adult version of these little saplings! I said to myself, well, DUH! So at least I know the source. I could have transplanted one to the corner where I want a tree! Think and investigate before you start pulling.

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