Friday, August 04, 2023

Stuffed with 45's misery

After gorging on trump's arraignment misery yesterday, I was hardly even hungry at dinner so opted for a salad. I had all ready thrown out lettuce, cucumbers gone bad for trash day. (The miller house where lettuce and cucumbers come to die). I am not sure he is actually going to jail, but this trial is going to be a pleasure to watch! 

I am trying to mentally prepare for the GrandDogs to come stay with me for a week while the kids go to Lake Chelan on vaca. I know Murphy will be miserable without his people. I think Remi will be okay. Trying to figure out where I am going to feed my dog. She lets her food stay out all day before maybe eating it and Murphy will snort that up in a nanosecond. I can't go to their house because I have Pixie here. 

I made myself detail clean the kitchen yesterday. Clean the coffee pot, stove top, vent, countertops. May get to the refrigerator today. And I need to mop floor but I see no point since the dogs will be here all week. The weather has been lovely here, albeit very hot in the back where the tree is missing. I am having to water the hydrangeas ... they are literally burning up. Trying to keep the grass going although most is brown and I am giving up on that.

The big task I am assigning myself is laundry today. Trudging up and down the stairs all day to complete. Maybe even tackling the bathroom floor because Pixie is having a little PEE-fest in there and I simply can't keep up. The big dogs are going to love that

I saw a few pieces at the art show that I loved. This by Warren Dykeman.

But my favorite was Gail Spaien! Her art is like an breath of fresh air. And you are right, it does have the Chinoiseries feel to it! 

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