Sunday, August 13, 2023

Give me a hand

The Figa hand charm, also known as the mano figa or fig sign, is a powerful symbol that has been used for centuries to ward off evil and bring good luck. It is a hand gesture that involves making a fist with the thumb tucked between the index and middle fingers, with the palm facing outward.  

Origins of the Figa Hand Charm 

The origins of the Figa hand charm are unclear, but it is believed to have originated in ancient Greece or Rome. It was later adopted by the Catholic Church and became a popular symbol in many cultures, particularly in Mediterranean and Latin American countries.  

Meaning of the Figa Hand Charm 

The Figa hand charm is often used as a gesture of protection against the evil eye, a malevolent stare that is believed to cause harm or bad luck. The charm is said to have the power to repel negative energy and protect the wearer from harm. In addition to its protective properties, the Figa hand charm is also associated with fertility and good luck. In some cultures, it is believed to help with conception and is often given as a gift to couples who are trying to conceive. It is also commonly used in gambling rituals and is believed to bring good luck to those who carry it. The Figa hand charm is sometimes depicted with other symbols, such as a heart or an eye, to add additional layers of meaning. For example, the heart symbolizes love and the eye symbolizes protection against the evil eye.  

How to Use the Figa Hand Charm 

To use the Figa hand charm, simply make the hand gesture with your dominant hand and hold it up for protection or good luck. Some people wear a Figa hand charm as a piece of jewelry, such as a necklace or bracelet, to keep it close at all times. In some cultures, it is believed that the charm is most effective when given as a gift. If you know someone who could use a little extra protection or good luck, consider giving them a Figa hand charm as a thoughtful and meaningful gift. In conclusion, the Figa hand charm is a powerful symbol with a rich history and many layers of meaning. Whether you are seeking protection from the evil eye or hoping to attract good luck and fertility, the Figa hand charm is a timeless and meaningful symbol that can help you achieve your goals. 



  1. well, those were quite fun looking over. enjoyable.

  2. Hi Kim, just wanted to catch up with you a minute—-I had a heart attack recently (yes, after my open heart surgery) and it caused a dominoe affect that I am lucky to have survived, but will be sent to The Cleveland Clinic (I think) in Ohio for heart repairs. I don’t know how soon they will be sending me, I was just released from the hospital yesterday. Would love to talk with you again. Please call or let me know if you are up for that and when would be convenient for you. Hope you are well.


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