Tuesday, August 01, 2023

Doing nothing won out for today

Saturday I had a party and I cooked up some food. Sunday, I took a friend and Mason to the art festival in Seattle mainly to see Robin and her booth there, but to also experience all the art. We walked and walked and walked and ohhhed and ahhhed. Ate a very expensive hot dog at a street vendor. Then headed home. 

Mason spent the night and we had pizza, stayed up late. Monday, was a shopping day for Mason's new bed linens. We had a day full of fun at stores looking for what Mason wanted on her new bed. A bunch of purchases later and a lunch at Mod Pizza, we collected Noah from kindergarten and off the home. 

By the time Matt got home from work, I told him I had to go that I was exhausted. I realized Mason never took a breathe for two days. I took in more words than I had in months. Made stuff, agreed to stuff, laughed at stuff. And I was tired. I came straight home for a 3 hour nap. Then slept all night. 

This morning I was trying to decide what I was going to do after coffee ... get up and clean, OR just veg out all day in front of the TV and old episodes of Law and Order. Complete and utter laziness won out.

My very evil friend Katie, sent me this posting on Marketplace this morning. I wanted it so badly, but have no place to put it right now. It had to be moved today. I finally wrote her asking about it and thankfully she did not write back. Katie and I spend too much time looking on Marketplace that we have absolutely NO room for. I was thinking my sewing room when it got it back together.


But then I saw this and thought, I have room for this treasure and it is the right price.


After posting all of those gorgeous bird cages, I found many of them on Marketplace. They just POPPED up. Of course, I would need a bird I guess. 

Lesson: I need to stay off Marketplace.


1 comment:

  1. Dear Kim, I am so sorry I haven’t been in touch. I think of you so often!! I did so well with the surgery—-but the last few weeks have had me pulling my thinning hair out trying to get the new meds sorted out. BP has been dropping so low I’ve actually thought I had a virus. Anyway, enough of that. Suffice it to say that the last few weeks have been rougher than the surgery. Love love love that green cabinet—-and yes would love it in my sewing room. Hopefully they will get me stable with these meds and we can catch up again by phone. I so enjoyed our one and only phone visit!! I want more!! :D.
    Hope you are recovered from the Little——goodness they can suck up the energy, right???


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