Sunday, July 02, 2023

Wonderful world

I always cry when I hear "What a Wonderful World". I always have. Always will. I love Armstrong.


 I always wonder, when will I quit finding so much talented artist on the internet? I have worried about that for so many years ... and I still discover the most amazing talent out there.

Helen Geglio's Apron Strings Series. Apron Strings is a body of artwork that explores the complex relationships we have with our children. This is a stitched meditation on motherhood—marking the countless moments of passage until we set our sons and daughters loose into the world.

And her A Dozen White Shirts. This work began with the discovery of a dozen white cotton dress shirts, wadded into a box in a dark basement corner. The toil of weekly laundry; washing, bleaching, line drying, starching and pressing, took many hours, and untold energy. It is no surprise that my mother was an early adopter of permanent press, or that these shirts were cast off at the first opportunity. I can still smell the freshly hung laundry and the spray starch she used as she dutifully ironed six white shirts a week. Many years later, the shirts provided me with a blank slate for mark-making and fabric manipulation in a visual exploration of connections between women, work and textiles

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