Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Observing them in the wild (or not)

I have seem Horsetails used in real landscaping (on purpose), not just there to send a gardener into a screaming rage trying to control them. And if I had thought of that years ago, I may have done it.
Have you ever seen the root system of them? I realized the other day that they are long and horizontal, connecting them to other Horsetails happily growing in my yard. I mean yes, they are an interesting plant, if they are been invited. Just like the Morning Glory, the bane of my existence.
The birds have virtually disappeared. I wonder if they are busy somewhere else or if the cats have scared them away. I noticed something is still nibbling the suet.

Watching people strolling and looking fabulous in New York, London and Milan.




 Victoria Johnson and her Instagram 


1 comment:

  1. chameleon plant is the bane of MY existence... pretty but ugh
    Houttuynia Cordata 'Variegata' - Chameleon Plant


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